Adding Ingredient and Preparation Steps - 2
Chapter 6/7
The advanced features will help you simplify your cooking experience on your Thermomix® TM6®. Learn how to highlight ingredients and cooking settings in your preparation steps, allowing you to have a more interactive cooking experience on your TM6®. When cooking with highlighted elements, the ingredients and quantities can easily be weighed in each step, and the cooking settings saved.
We will now show you how to prepare your recipe.
Watch an interactive experience on your Thermomix® TM6®.
The ingredients, quantities and cooking settings
can be saved in each preparation step.
Let's start with highlighting ingredients.
While typing out your preparation step,
place your cursor where you want to insert an ingredient.
From your ingredients list, click on the "scale button".
You will automatically see suggestions based on your ingredients list.
Click on the ingredient you want to insert,
and then click the "+" to add it to your preparation step.
The newly highlighted ingredient is now underlined in green.
To highlight a cooking setting in your preparation step,
place your cursor where you want to insert the cooking setting.
Click the "cooking" button to specify the time, temperature
and speed of your cooking setting.
Once confirmed, click on the green checkmark
to add your cooking setting to the preparation step.
Your cooking setting is now highlighted
and is underlined in green.
If you want to review or edit a highlighted element,
simply click on the highlighted text and a menu will appear.
Please note: when editing the quantity of an ingredient
in the preparation steps,
it does not automatically update in the ingredient list.
Additional information
Our Thermomix® TM6® cooking tables are a great starting point when creating your own recipes.