Hop on these easy Easter ideas that anyone of any cooking level can whip up for a festive feast. Take your holiday celebration to the next level with these scrumptious Hot Cross Buns, colored eggs, cute Easter cake and more.
Easter Egg Bread Nests
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2 h 40min
Colored Eggs
Hot Cross Buns
1 h 55min
Ham and Cheese Biscuits
Lemony Bunny Bread Rolls
Citrus Salad with Mint Vinaigrette
Scalloped Potatoes
2 h 30min
Creamed Peas and Ham
Roast Lamb with Vegetables and Mint Sauce
2 h
Orange Roast Chicken with Bacon Stuffing
2 h 5min
Crown Roast of Lamb
1 h 40min
Carrot Torte
1 h 10min
Chocolate Eggs
2 h 15min
Simnel Cake
4 h 20min
Sugar Cookies with Lemon Curd
Tempered Chocolate